Pierwsza zapowiedź na nadchodzący powoli 2024 rok
Pierwsza zapowiedź na nadchodzący powoli 2024 rok
Our masks set offer is growing
Announcement of next one Belgian set and actualization
We have launch vinyl masks production :)
We bought a plotter for cutting masks, things are going to happen :)
This fall, first of all, reprints
Announcement of the decal for Polish Boar Mouth at Su-22
Announced sets in sale :)
There are less and less delayed sets,so there is a chance that we will get straight this year :)
The long-awaited set has already appeared in the store
A summary of our knowledge regarding issues with the handling of our decals
We have finished work on two sets of squadron emblems for Belgian and Dutch F-16s
Decal for this outstanding painting is allready in print!
Set with new form is back to shop.
We would like to remind you that the fundraiser for the treatment is underway.
Still need 7000 EUR

SYHART and HAD Models
SALE -40%
Aktualizacja i zapowiedź
Zapowiadane zestawy do niemieckich F-104 już w sprzedaży
A short report from our presence at the largest modeling event in Europe
Details about the premieres of new products and our stand at the largest European modeling event.
Tiger start to look like tiger ;)
Classic Dutch Demo from 1994 already in stock, as well as a handful of information about the work progress.
Courtesy of Paweł Adamczyk, we can see his biul of the Modelsvit model