Our loyal customers will surely remember that in the past we have released models based on sprues from other manufacturers, with our own additions, where our decals played the first fiddle, these were Zlin Z-50 Żelazny Aerobatic Team and Mi-2 Hoplite 50 Years in Polish Armed Forces.
We decided to return to this convention and today we can proudly start the pre-sale of our next model in 1/72 scale
MM73003 Su-22UM-3K „707" Polish Tiger 2017 Model plastikowy - EDYCJA LIMITOWANA
This is a miniature of a particularly important aircraft for us, because this Tiger livery, renovated in 2017, was designed and manufactured at WZL 2, supervised by the creator of our brand, Filip Jereczek-Bambrowicz, and to this day his name is visible on the right flap of front gear of the aircraft.
We tell about the adventures related to the creation of this decal in several newsletters, HERE,
Our model is packed with lot of extras
- Modelsvit sprues
- Photoetched elements
- Additional elements in 3D printing technology allowing to make versions of the aircraft after modernization from IBG
- Decal for painting Su-22UM-3K "707" Tiger 2017 printed by Cartograf with exclusive instructions containing many photos of the aircraft
- Decals for instrument panels and side panels of the cabin printed in Cartograf
- Set of pitots and cannon by Master Model
- Canop, whels and details vinyl masks
You can find more photos in the product card: MM73003 Su-22UM-3K „707" Polish Tiger 2017 Model plastikowy - EDYCJA LIMITOWANA
The total value of such a set is over 75 EUR but now you can pre-order the model today for only 62,25 EUR with free shipping! The promotion with free pre-order shipping lasts until the model goes on sale regularly and covers Poland and selected countries in Europe and Asia. If you cannot pre-order the model through our store, please contact us by email.
The number of models is limited to just 100 pieces, so don't wait, buy today, because when the models hit the stores, they will probably sell out very quickly.
Shipments should start before Christmas, at the same time the model will go on sale regularly with us and our distributors.
Before you get your hands on the model, we encourage you to read Paweł Adamczyk's articles published on our website, where he describes the construction of this model step by step, and you can see the effect of his work on the cover of the box. The model has been honored with numerous awards at modeling competitions, including receiving a gold medal in 2023 at the Moson Model Show, which, as you know, is no small feat.

Have a nice weekend
ModelMaker Team