In this place we will soon start answer for most popular questions about our products and company
Best Regards
ModelMaekr Team
1: Can I buy only decal from D...120 F-16 ZEUS DEMO TEAM set?
-No, we are selling only complete sets
2: Do You ship to USA?
-We must suspend shipping too USA because of problems with a long time of delivery, a lot of problems with USPS and PayPal. Unfortunately int this year we had few situations when order was delivered after few months, money given to the customer and PayPal wont back it to us. We try to find some other shipping company where the cost of shipping would be reasonable to the price of our decals, unfortunately without success.
UPDATE 16.06.2021: We decided to add especially for US costumers Priority parcel from Polish Post. It's still not perfect for us but it's the cheapest way of shipping which we can offer with full tracking.
3: When You will ship my order?
As you can read on the home page:
By placing an order with us, you support our company directly, but we would like to make a reservation that we are first of all a producer and then only a seller, so we are not always able to execute all orders efficiently and on an ongoing basis.
Currently, shipments are made once a week, sometimes less.
4: When will be realize decal for...
Before You You send an ask about announced set, pleas check our newsletters in NEWS tab. Most of information's about current projects we are placing there.