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Home News › Spirit of Oswald Boelcke Eurofighter finally in stock!

Spirit of Oswald Boelcke Eurofighter finally in stock! All



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After long adventures with this project and a few printing attempts which ended in failure, we finally managed to issue a decal for:

D..096 German Eurofigher Typhoon TLG 31 Spirit of Oswald Boelcke

The set is available in three scales 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32, it also includes a set of stencils.




The main decal was printed in Poland, which we are very happy about. Its quality surprised us, both the level of detail and the application, they are amazing in our opinion. We hope to write more about it soon;)

The most important thing in this information is that we have already printed a decal for the Tiger Su-22 "707". The project was therefore long fallow. Now we have started the final design work and we can already risk saying that the decal will come out as a set for both paintings, "old" and "new" as we assumed from the beginning. Updated decal images should be available in September.


A few words about the Polish MiG-21. As we wrote recently, we decided to abandon one large sheet in favor of several sets. We already have a vision and we are working on preparing it for print, so today we will not show the pictures ;)

The working plan is to divide them with airports + special paints. The division was made so that the decals have more or less the same size and contain one region. We would like to release most of it at one time so that we can make it a special edition, i.e. all sets in one. There are still a few things to draw and correct, hence the pictures only in September.

- Part I "Warszawa" that is Mińsk Mazowiecki, Sochaczew and Modlin

- Part II "Babie Doły" That is one Gdynia airport

- Part III "North" That is Goleniów, Świdwin, Zegrze Pomorskie and Malbork

- Part IV "West" which in principle will cover only the Poznań-Krzesiny airport

- Part V "Południe" or Łask and Wrocław and Katowice (Mierzęcice)

And at least two decals for special paintings, Fishbed on MiG-21MF "6814" and the tiger MiG-21UM's. In the latter case, we insist that the decal should be made with tiger stripes, which, however, will greatly enlarge the set, hence it is difficult to predict whether it will be possible to do all four planes.

We have also updated list of countries when we can ship now:

South Korea

Ending today's newsletter, the beginning of autumn will be marked by the reprints, which about at the beginning of August.

Best Regards

ModelMaker Team

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