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Christmas wishes All



We would like to express our sincere wishes for a healthy, peaceful and cheerful Christmas and all good in the coming 2019.


Today there will be no new products, these will be on sale just after the new year. However, there is one gift that we would like to give you today. As you know two years in a row, we organized our own modeling festival, which was almost unique on a global scale.

Although we had to resign from this initiative, it was a very good reception of our event, as well as the desire not to waste our experience and ideas so far convinced us to offer our help to Koszalin Modelers Group. And so today we can officially announce that ModelMaker is a co-organizer of the Baltic Modeling Festival in Koszalin, which will be held on May 25-26, 2019 at ul. Wojska Polskiego. We hope that thanks to this combination of forces we will be able to organize event that has never been before, and we will inform you about all news and attractions from the nearest newsletter. Com to us!

With a Christmas greeting

ModelMaker Team

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